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Infinite Stratos

Mar 7, 2011

Story 6/10

The story for IS is mediocre, which is a pity because there was a lot of promise. Not in the plot itself (there has been no actual plot as of yet, merely a few things after another to lead to either another adition to the MC's harem and mech battles, nothing interesting), but rather because of the characters they introduced, and the way they did so. Really, it looked to be quite an interesting anime, but they dispensed of any depth and possible character development, so unless they back-peddle, this anime won't get very far. Though this isn't necesarily a bad thing, it is a harem anime after all, so plot isn't a major point. Still, slightly disappointing

Animation 8/10

The animation is good, but not excellent. It seems to be about par for the course with modern anime, but that's not really saying much, with modern anime the animation is actually really good, but they all seem to be on the same platoe, not getting better or worse, just staying still. It gets 8 because it's good, but not exceptional. It works, but it doesn't try to style the animation to exentuate the story or atmosphere. In short, it's average

Sound 8/10

The sound was ok, but not excellent. Pretty much the same deal as the animation. The sound blends in to the background, but unlike other anime I've been watching, it doesn't enhance the anime, it merely serves to fill background noise in a way that doesn't distract. True, the choices were appropriate for the genre, but it was hardly great

Characters 6/10

Now, at the beginning of this review I stated that the story had some real promise to start with, but dispensed of it to help build the harem. Let me explain. We had the rich, priviledged, talented girl who was full of herself and lorded it over everybody. With this character, the anime could have established a rivalry, or an inferiority complex like in Evangelion, but she got put into her place and immediately turned into a shy little girl who just swoons over the MC

Then they introduced a second child hood friend into the story, and the MC even refers to her as "Second Childhood Friend" and the other as "First". Right there, we could have had bitterness and harbored gate (I'm thinking of how well Shuffle! played out), but she just instantly became Meek and swooning

Finally, we have a silent warrior from Germany who's holding a grudge against the MC for some mysterious reason. Turns out it's because she's just getting less atention than he is... and as soon as she gets put into her place, yup you guessed it, shy, meek, swooning. Nevermind the fact that she was once at the point where I woulnd't have been surprised if she murdered the MC, let's get rid of anything that made her interesting and turn her into a love-struck girl

Ofcourse each of these girls represent a different stereo-type of the genre, but that's irrelevant. There was some potential, and it was lost. The anime now lasts solely on it's Comedy (mediocre), Situation (also Mediocre) and maybe the setting (interesting, but not unique).

Overall 7/10

Average for a Harem Anime, nothing to recomend, but not entirely bad either. Worth a watch if you're bored or aren't looking for anything suitably interesting story-wise

6/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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