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  • Seattle Washington
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Nasu: Summer in Andalusia

Aug 23, 2010

So your just dieing to see some Cycling right? No? (If you happen to be a cyclist do not read further, just find it) Well, to be honest, I could give a rat's ass about the two wheeled contraptions outside of a few bike trails when I get the notion.  So a cycling anime probably would not be what you think someone like myself would reach for...but I did, and it probably is because I do end up reaching for anime that would be something unique, and hard to compare. This title did all of the above, for the mere cost of 45 minutes of my time. Now a days this is more of a feat than it was... See full review

5/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
7/10 overall