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  • Seattle Washington
  • Joined Jun 28, 2008
  • 48


Jan 28, 2010

Not being a major reviewer of sorts, I just need to come here to somehow make sense of the wasted 4-5 hours of my life. I am a big fan of gender-bender storys. When I saw this on a monthly marathon, hosted by Chii on Anime Planet, I was overjoyed and really looking forward to this title. It sounded like I, Me My, Starberry Eggs, meets My-Hime, and had potential.  I was just finishing a title that was the polar opposite called Aoi Bunkoi, so the change of pace sounded like Rocky Road bliss. 20 minutes into the first episode I realized I was more wrong than people who order a Snuggie. The... See full review

1.5/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
2/10 overall