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  • Finland
  • Joined Jul 29, 2008
  • 36 / M

Ping Pong Club

Aug 16, 2011

Oh, boy... Ping Pong Club. Thought it'd be ping pong perverted humor. Was wrong. It was a show that made being a pervert a goal in life, a passion, a direction in life that makes most other series' pervs who try to peep on girls in the onsen look downright decent and upstanding citizens. No chance to molest females was left unused, no chance to gross someone out with waving your dick around was ignored. And ping pong was pretty much ignored.

And speaking of waving your dick around, I think it struck me at around episode 8 or 9. Really, the perfect metaphor to watching this show is to... See full review

1/10 story
1/10 animation
1/10 sound
2/10 characters
1/10 overall