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  • Washington, USA
  • Joined Nov 21, 2007
  • 35 / F

Tokimeki Mononoke Jogakkou

May 17, 2012

Tokimeki Mononoke Jogakkou is a simple yuri ecchi about a high school girl transported to the youkai dimension when she accidentally steps through a portal. Trapped, she has to pretend to be a youkai transfer student at the local girls' boarding school. Unfortunately, to most youkai, humans are food and the subjects of rape, so she is always terrified of being found out. Fortunately, her roommates are benign, and she develops an attraction to one of them. Despite its dark setting, the manga is quite lighthearted. It's primarily an erotic comedy and has a few laugh out loud moments. Most of the characters... See full review

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
5/10 overall