CasperLuap's avatar


  • Dekalb, IL
  • Joined Mar 14, 2009
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Any suggestions for "cant miss" animes?


Hmm me... im just an anti-social kid who can watch a season of anime in 2 days without breakin a sweat Xd while attending school at NIU

i finished the entire FMA series in one weekend, and the next i re watched Gundam Wing to bring back my childhood (im not even 19 and i know the best years of my life are already over)

Life on anime

  • 41 Minutes
  • 14 Hours
  • 6 Days
  • 3 Weeks
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

53 total


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Ladieburd Nov 19, 2009

Ah, nice. Right now I am working in a library which is kind of nice, but I won't actually see my paycheck until like, January cause they didn't let me know about a bunch of the paperwork until the last minute. Everything moves so slowly, which is kind of aggravating, but at least I am getting some money and not just doing the work out of the goodness of my heart...and the desire to be doing something besides sit around at home...

Ladieburd Nov 17, 2009

I know what you mean about the online applications - no one ever calls back and it's like, why waste your time doing it if nothing is going to happen? I have done online applications before and I had to go in and keep checking on the status of my application and no one ever told me anything about it,  they just said they weren't hiring, which was almost more frustrating... :P

Ladieburd Nov 17, 2009

Ah, okay...what about jobs on campus? Is there anything available that would possibly be of interest? I know that's not a favorite option, but it would at least be some income....

Ladieburd Nov 16, 2009

That's fine - I was pretty busy this weekend as well. My brother's high school was hosting a band competition on Saturday and so my mom and I were helping out with that and then yesterday we just sort of sat around and did nothing...well, almost nothing - I read a little bit.

That sort of blows that your brother's team lost so spectacularly. It's one thing to be outplayed, but it's another to just not have the manpower, and it would seem that your brother's team had neither the manpower nor the power to overcome the other team. :P If that makes any sense at all. In any case, I don't blame you for being busy and not replying right away.

Ladieburd Nov 13, 2009

I do that too when I play games, but I think it's less at the TV as I am sort of trying to encourage myself or the character or whatever....The same sort of thing happens with my computer - I yell at it too. Someitmes it deveres it and sometimes it's my fault, but it's the same sort of concept I guess...

Have fun at the game though. I hope you do not get too bored. :-)