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  • The Outback
  • Joined Nov 25, 2012
  • 42 / F

What I Liked: Good character development between all the main characters. Good world-building and a great depiction of a post-apocalyptic (but not necessarily post-human) Japan. Awesome soundtrack. Misato. Series evolves from an average mecha series to a incredibly intricate psychological science-fiction series within its run. Animation becomes interestingly "experimental" late in its run. That infamous ending. Kaworu.

What I Didn't: The budget constraints are heavily noticable in certain (later) scenes - and pacing sometimes suffers due to this while the last episode feels laughably lazy. Beethoven's 9th being a thing. The Fifth felt shoehorned in at the last minute (but what an impact!). The two mood shifts within episode 26 were REALLY disconcerting (almost in a Brazil-but-not kind of way). That infamous ending.

Final Verdict: A classic series famous for its characters and infamous for its budget constraints, Neon Genesis Evangelion is a hard series to pin down. On the one hand, its a science-fiction series with compelling characters and a crapsack world hopped up on religious symbolism. On the other hand, it's a dated mess of uneven writing and laughable animation. One thing's for sure: it's something to behold.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
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