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  • Joined Nov 7, 2014
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Feb 27, 2017

No spoiler review

So about Charlotte. At first I'd say it seems like a lightweight story. Likeable, but not amazing. But it takes a while before you get to know the real story behind the anime and it's totally fine to do that, I personally love it when there is an unexpected twist, but 13 episodes is a little bit too short to fit it all in.

Some bits are a little bit out of the blue and they just deal with it like nothing happened especially the last episode. They could've made a whole other series out of that one episode, but instead they fit all of it in 20 minutes. I do like the character development. Even though they just deal with really unexpected things, you can see a slight difference in their behaviour when everything is back to kinda normal. What bothered me was that sometimes they could really get off the rails and lose all their sh*t, but two episodes later it's again like nothing has happened.

Besides all that, the story is really good and this anime got me tearing up sometimes. It has A lot of feels, but enough comedy to compensate. The characters might be a bit basic, but you'll really grow to love them.

So I would say. If you like really unexpected twists right in them feels and don't mind if it gets rushed a bit. Go for it. 

7/10 story
8/10 animation
7.5/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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