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  • Pennsylvania
  • Joined Jul 17, 2010
  • 33 / F

Drama anime heavily emphasize their characters' emotional development. Whether by experiencing the protagonist’s emotional turmoil, viewing heated character interactions, or exploring a passionate romance, any anime that humanizes its characters through emphasizing their flaws qualifies as a Drama.

These anime showcase the joys and hardships of falling in love, whether a schoolgirl has an unrequited crush on her senpai, a Love Triangle occurs within a group of friends, or rivals become lovers through competition or their intense passion for each other.

Shoujo (少女), translated as "young woman", is a demographic aimed at teenage girls. The most iconic and influential Shoujo character designs come from the early 20th century, where girls and boys alike were drawn with huge eyes. Shoujo is the counterpart of Shounen, a demographic aimed at boys and young men.