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  • Belgium
  • Joined Jan 8, 2009
  • 30 / F


Apr 19, 2014

Oh God… Why did I ever think this was a good idea? I have to admit, the premise of this show sounded vaguely interesting. A little girl, turned monster that has to eat people to survive? And her bro sacrifices himself to that purpose? Yeah, that could work. Oh how wrong I was. This sad, little excuse for a ‘horror‘ anime is a poorly disguised fetish show full of implied and actual (well, technically) incest, horrible pacing and unexplained scenes that you might as well look at it as a series of unconnected events. I can’t even tell you what the story’s about besides monster... See full review

1/10 story
3/10 animation
1.5/10 sound
0.5/10 characters
1/10 overall