Utsubora: The Story of a Novelist - Reviews

Alt title: Utsubora

Utsubora: The Story of a Novelist
swimkids's avatar
Apr 18, 2021

I had no idea what this manga was about when I picked it up. The cover art was enough for me to start. Some say the art is off-putting at first, but it wasn't for me. The art is enchanting, pure, and sensual. This manga was very hard to put down. It's a good manga for those who don't mind/are comfortable with sexual content. I would recommend this to those who are interested in a thought-provoking, psychological read. I liked that this manga was complete in one volume. It was straight to the point but still packed with depth, drama, and suspense. 10/10

9/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Apr 19, 2021

Well this certainly was quite an oddball mystery story and a pretty good one. The story goes that a young woman jumps off a building and it seems she is connected to the dashing author guy himself, Mizorogi. So he meets her twin sister and a lot happens from there in which I can’t tell you much about because this is only 14 chapters and if I say anymore lads, y’all will be spoiled. That’s the main reason I’m being vague with this review so just go read this damn weird mystery book lads!

Also readers of Doukyusei would really enjoy the whole story and it’s pretty weird elegant art ngl x)

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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