The Age of the Flying Boat - Reviews

Alt title: Hikoutei Jidai

The Age of the Flying Boat
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Jan 22, 2023

It is common knowledge that the most standout and iconic Miyazaki film is...Porco Rosso. And this here is the manga which that movie was based upon. Let us peruse its pages for pleasure.

The fourth wall is broken several times, usually (though not exclusively) by the narrator commenting on details being condensed because of page and panel constraints. The story itself is fine enough. I found the first two chapters to be the most engaging. I will say that I was disappointed that the story's ultimate ending didn't even involve piloting skills or anything, especially considering that the entire manga up to that point had been emphasizing the planes...

The artwork is full-color, but in a way that may or may not be appealing to modern readers. I assume it's done using either colored pencils or some sort of watercolor technique. Probably the latter, I guess, though it feels a bit more grainy at times than what I associate with watercolor.

4/10 story
7/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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