Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth - Reviews

Alt title: Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden

Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth
AKAAiri's avatar
Sep 11, 2022

This is one those series that are so stupid they go around the whole circle and come out as oddly brilliant.


We have spectacles like The Great Potato Chip War or Akatsuki On Vacation. Then we have a mild body-swap sketches and crap ton of shit jokes and innuendos.


They managed to give Rock Lee more expressive face than in the actual main series so...


No one is safe here. Everyone is made ridiculous. But hey, at least they gave Tenten a personality!


Entertaining, if watched with the right mood.

4/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
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