Princess Kaguya - Recommendations

Alt title: Yurimm Douwa "Kaguya Hime"

Princess Kaguya

If you're looking for manga similar to Princess Kaguya, you might like these titles.



A yuri version of the fairy tale Rapunzel.

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Lily White

Lily White

"Lily White," by Ruri Hozuki and Sakura Shio, is a yuri version of the fairy tale Snow White. .

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The Wolf-Girl and the Seven Kids

The Wolf-Girl and the Seven Kids

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Lily Fairy Tale: Little Red Cap and Cinderella

Lily Fairy Tale: Little Red Cap and Cinderella

Join Red and Cinderella as they explore the world together, and also discover their feelings for each other!

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The Red Demon Who Cried "Moe!"

The Red Demon Who Cried "Moe!"

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Little Yuri Riding Hood

Little Yuri Riding Hood

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Maze of Flowers

Maze of Flowers

A young princess lives in a fantasy kingdom. She has recently come of age and is no longer allowed to wear the clothing she'd like, and is already having to think of marriage. At her side is Shueli, her long-time companion and attendant who she cares deeply for; but now it seems that Shueli is leaving. What's a princess to do?

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Lily Fairy Tale: Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty

Lily Fairy Tale: Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty

At this whimsical boarding school, where girls’ fates are destined by fairy tales, Rapunzel had just transferred in and is now roommates with the recluse Sleeping Beauty, Rose. But Rose is not so keen on having a roommate that interrupts her beauty sleep so she tells Rapunzel to change rooms. Rupunzel agrees but on one condition…

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The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is a yuri version of the fairy tale by the same name.

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Snow White' 94

Snow White' 94

Snow White’s stepmother has always hated her for being more beautiful, and is now after her life. Luckily the young princess has managed to escape to a small house in the forest inhabited by seven dwarves who have offered her sanctuary in return for her assistance. Unfortunately, she can’t cook, her idea of cleaning is calling in the help, and her haughty attitude doesn’t sit well with one of the dwarves, Seven.  However, as Snow White begins to try her hardest it seems that maybe Seven doesn’t hate her after all…

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