Kira-kun Today - Reviews

Alt title: Kyou no Kira-kun

Kira-kun Today
MvRivF60p's avatar
Oct 18, 2022

No spoilers> THIS IS A MUST READ SHOUJO. unique plot. Great characters and character development. I liked the art a lot and it was funny heartwarming and bittersweet in just the right way. Was a perfect length story with a well thought out ending. 

10/10 story
10/10 art
9.8/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Emmapoop's avatar
Jun 10, 2021

This manga was the best manga I've read so far. It isn't like your typical Shoujo romance. It was very different I've never seen a story like this. The art was amazing and so were the characters and their back stories. It was just really good overall. I even cried a little, that's when you know you're reading a good story

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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leilanigaleana's avatar
May 22, 2021

Just finished and god such a rollercoaster of emotion. At first it was really hard to watch bc the ML kept pissing me off but it got better and it was really sad and happy at the same time. but overall i'm happy i kept reading bc it had a very happy ending!

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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MerMak's avatar
Jul 28, 2019

will contian spoliers....


anyways long story short you have to read this manga 

out of all the comics and book and manga i have read ever once i have cry when read one 

but for the frist time i cry when read. i hate reading so much so when i found comic i was happy and this book is one of my all time favs i love this managa? 

also the reason i cry was because of the parrote 

btw sorry more spell and grammer am not the best when it come to them 

10/10 story
7/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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aclnwsn's avatar
Oct 25, 2019


I put 7.5 on the story because there's a lot of things I wanted to see or to know but the author didn't show. But still it's a nice story. I learn more about love and life. Like love someone who will give you courage and hope, someone who will enlighten you, someone who will help you change your life/self in a good way, someone who will always be there even if the situation is hard, and that you need to trust and give strength to each other. It also teaches me to keep fighting as long as you're alive, keep going even if it's hard, because there are people out there who is with you, help you fight. Last thing I learn is to treasure every moment you have to the person who is important or special to you because you don't know what will happen. 

The art was really good. The characters were really good and I feel like I put connection to them. Some of them was also hilarious and you can see how much they treasure each other. 

I give this manga a 8.8% because I want the ending to have more story since it just ended quickly. But I recommend you to read this since you can also learn a lot from it. 

7.5/10 story
9.5/10 art
9.5/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
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