Koishichatta no Yo - Reviews

Alt title: I've Fallen in Love

Koishichatta no Yo
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Oct 12, 2020

Ya know? Not enough stories include toilet scenes. There's rarely any reason to include them, but as this story demonstrates, they can be good for a gag or two. The emotions are over-the-top from both the angry brother and the lovey-dovey brother. The angry brother is what I believe gag manga refer to as the straight man, with feir anger being the vehicle used to accentuate the oddness of what's going on. The plot, and twists, are all based around people falling in love far too easily and unexpectedly, to the point that it serves as gags. It's only ten pages long, obviously just intended as a short little jaunt down Humor Lane, but it honestly wasn't even all that funny. And it doesn't have anything else going for it.

2/10 story
6/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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