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I'm impressed, this is one high quality anime, I'm at a loss for words.
Great detail, great visuals, great music, a great atmosphere (which is very hard to do in anime) and I absolutely love the style in which this anime is made. Great preview music too.

You'll see why this anime is called blood in the opening sequence.
PS: I love the lips.^_^

This one gets 10 out of 10 for a first episode, no question about it. Props to the makers, they did a superb job. I didn't even like Blood the movie, but I'm loving this.
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We've seen stuff like it before (main character with amnesia, mysterious orgnaization, monster attacks, mysterious stranger saves main character), but that doesn't mean it's not good. I see potential for this series.

I wouldn't give it a straight 10/10, but I'd give a 9 or 9.5, only because the way the first episode went wasn't entirely new. ^^b
Aydan said:
I'm impressed, this is one high quality anime, I'm at a loss for words.
Great detail, great visuals, great music, a great atmosphere (which is very hard to do in anime) and I absolutely love the style in which this anime is made.
Yeah, which is exactly what Blood:tLV had. Is there any inkling that there is a reasonable overall storyline here, or is it procedural-1.see vampire, 2.kill vampire, 3.GOTO 1, interspersed with large amount of ZOMGkewlschoolgirlkewlswordfightkewlfanservicekewl like the one shot?
snowcrash said:
Yeah, which is exactly what Blood:tLV had.
I'll give you that one. ^^b lol

snowcrash said:
Is there any inkling that there is a reasonable overall storyline here, or is it procedural-1.see vampire, 2.kill vampire, 3.GOTO 1, interspersed with large amount of ZOMGkewlschoolgirlkewlswordfightkewlfanservicekewl like the one shot?
Yes they've got a story and plot this time. (Thank god ^^b ) Although naturally they aren't blowing it in the first episode of course. ^^b
finaly, a show that it's not cheap neither shallow minded. This show might be the catch of the year I say.
Watched it. Hmmm.
Why the fuck does every damn anime I watch now have siblings who are just a leeeetle to close to each other?

Also, is Saya supposed to be the same berserker as shown in the Vietnam (I assume) opening?
I though Chiropterans were a World of Darkess reference, but apparently it's got wider usage. I withhold judgment for now. Definitely shows potential, but could go either way.
I really liked the way they did the animation for the blood. I definitely like this more than the OVA actually, since well.. more plot! I was a little confused as to what was going on though, but maybe I'm just not good with figurative representations showing up in animes.
I like this show for now, too. ^_^ The manga version of the anime is pretty lame, so I was beginning to doubt this series' potential, but the anime basically did away with the stupid parts present in the manga.

I just hope it won't turn into Vampire Princess Miyu around ep20...

Mmm, blood. ^_^V

::waits for an "I knew it" remark from el tardo::
A necessary/fan demanded series with a good potential showed on the OVA. Till ep 3 is promissing, had to be on tune with this series. Aren´t the mice horrible enough to be bloody killed? lol
Anyone know how long the series is going to be? ANN says 52, but that sounds like it would be dragging it out a long time.
I'll believe ANN although surely many things can happen with this series, personally I don't remember any well developed anime that goes far from a 26 episode production, well, maybe the gundam's sagas and FM alchemist, but still those has some innecesary eps. I Hope Blood+ could reach its final ep in that commented way.
Ep 4.
I was hoping george was already dead. Instead, it could be better if his blood get infection an he becames a mouse Saya has to kill.
Episode 3:
I totally didn't see that coming. I figure one of her family members would get killed sooner or later, but that was sooner than I thought.
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well one thing's for sure is that we are all waiting and holding our breaths for the next ep to be graciously subbed for us ^^_ (or just the raw if you understand nihongo :p)
LadyArtemis said:
Episode 4...

huh? george is still alive, but was taken by the organization that seems to be working counter to red shield.

this series is very promising thus far. i hope plot and character development continues at a steady pace.
kaz said:
huh? george is still alive, but was taken by the organization that seems to be working counter to red shield.

Sorry I was actually referring to ep3 and I thought that's what happened.