Ah! My Goddess: Together, Forever


New Member
I noticed that this wasn't on here yet

Just thought I give the first heads up on this one.

Watching ep. 1 and so far....so good for one episode.

Just gotta see how this one plays out.
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I watched the first ep and...
Can't say I'm so very impressed. The story feels rushed and the soundtracks ain't as good.
And too much sparkling.

But it wasn't bad.
Ah sweet, gotta get my butt moving and check this out.

Shall state my opinion (keeping in mind i'm an AMG fangirl ....) soon.
Im so happy this is finally out. This was one of the very first animes I ever watched so Im having high expectations for season 3!!! It has been a LOOOOONG wait!

Oh and it misses from the site!