Galilei Donna


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Galilei Donna

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Episode 1.
Okay show, we get it. You're set in Italy. You don't have to give all the characters names from the "Stereotypical Italian Names" handbook. I mean, seriously. Ferrari? That's like giving a Swede the last name of Meatball. Anyway...I have zero clue what was going on exactly, but I liked it.

On a secondary note.
...That kid needs to wear a shirt under those overalls.
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The awkward moment when Galileo Donna's pilot is more noteworthy than Samurai Flamenco's.

Anyway, that didn't make a whole bunch of sense (Galileo Galilei, descendants, something about a legacy, loli mecha pilot, yadda yadda...), but it kept me entertained. All three sisters are pretty fun in their own rights and even though the script seems nothing special they should carry the plot along nicely. Mood-wise, it seems it'll go down a rather light-hearted route, although it can have a couple more serious nuances here and there. The animation is nice overall although the CG usage is kind of jarring at times.

Eh, it was a fine premiere altogether, if not very self-explanatory. This won't be anything great, but it might be good.
Ferrari? Really?

Does it also bother you when Japanese people are named Suzuki?

Anyway, I'm saddened to say that I didn't catch much of a Nadia impression, and, well, Mecha isn't really my thing (some exceptions may apply). So maybe I'll come back to this once the season's done.
Well, Suzuki are motorcycles...but more importantly it is one of the most common last names in is Ferrari in Italy.
I thought they were actually living in Japan, the mother being Japanese and the father Italian, so they'd keep the family name but get named with Japanese first names.
If it's really supposed to be in Italy then I agree, that's just bad form.
Episode 1
Went by pretty quickly, meaning I enjoyed it to the fullest and wanting more. And assuming how the episode went, I'm gonna guess it'll be some sort of adventure finding this so called lost treasure. Along with what Brad said; dysfunctional family, mechs, fish? Pretty original for an anime. Don't judge. I haven't seen an anime with such premise before. =)
I just saw the first episode yesterday and... okay... seems interesting?
But... fish as mecha navigator? I don't buy that...
The red haired bad guy was pretty awesome xD
It doesn't feel like normal noitaminA, though.
episode 1... ohhh pretty, with pretty pieced of ice falling off of things, and more things... and in the opening. okay, what's with all the pretty ice falling off of everything in epic fashion?
weird stage setting, instantly showing how the parents are not together at all, instant showing of the differences in the sisters (i like the middle sister best so far/like the oldest one the least), thought the folding bike/rocket launcher was a bit much for one lunch pail sized item, did not like have the sexual tension between eldest sister and red headed bad guy be so blatantly forced upon us.

but generally i like it.

only in anime do you get three full blood sisters with three completely different hair colors.... gotta love it.
lets see... at first i was all fired up when the mecha
dropped on that methane operation. that was cool stuff and had me thinking "sweet! adult mecha... maybe even a seinen anime for a change!" Then the OP came on and it was like cute girls doing cute things anime no.21905198751, and i have to admit it took all my self control to not rage at having something with such potential being stuffed full of cute girls doing cute things like every other anime that's come out since k-on!. so you can imagine my rage building as we get primary focus on some loli magically outrunning some floating ship...

all hope dashed for this show i watched the rest of the episode counting the minutes to the end, and all of a sudden it wasn't an all cute girl in dark setting anymore, as male characters were introduced who look to play important roles.

The italian space pirate saved this show for me. I'll give it a few more episodes to redeem on the promise of the first few seconds. But i'm not happy i'm not getting a seinen mecha/sci-fi war anime; and instead seem to be getting a Last Exile + Xam'ed mashup with a cute girl doing cute things cast, and a loli super warrior genius mc. yeah... i think i just threw up a little in my mouth
Episode 2.
Well, so much for the mom. Can't say I'll miss her that much, but still. I dig that little goldfish looking mini-mecha thing too. Looks so goofy, but it's practically invulnerable. Then again, I doubt those little pop guns the cops have could put a hole in tissue paper.
I just saw the first episode yesterday and... okay... seems interesting?
But... fish as mecha navigator? I don't buy that...
The red haired bad guy was pretty awesome xD
Saw first episode, basically agree with Yami. Seriously,
Goldfish Gundam???? I still don't get why the girls are being targeted, though. So what if they are long ago descended from the great Galileo? Because Galileo left behind a fish-mecha as legacy???? Huh???

Maybe I'll try the second episode to see if it makes any better sense ...

second ep was a big step up... still terminally stupid, but i can deal with it, now the show doesn't have to live up to the first 30 seconds with me i can sorta enjoy it.