Kimi no Knife


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Tell me I'm not the only one reading this series.

It's about a teacher named Shiki. He has a sister in the hospital with some kind of terminal illness. He's trying his best to keep paying the hospital to keep her alive, but being a teacher, he's running low on money. Then, one day, a mysterious woman appears and asks him, "If you can get 5 billion yen for killing a person, what would you do?" Shiki, thinking it's a joke, replies that he'd do so if they were a bad person. However, the woman isn't joking and points a man out. Thus begins Shiki's story as a hitman and his fellow hitmen.

This series is incredibly entertaining, to a point that I was surprised that there wasn't a thread for it (I searched for it, if I'm wrong and there is, I apologize). Is anyone else reading it? Anyone just hearing of it? Etc. etc.