Anime list: you can now filter by rated/unrated anime


Forum Moderator
Anime-Planet Founder
You can now filter your anime list by anime you have and have not rated. Cythraul requested this feature; hopefully it will help you figure out what you haven't rated yet. If you filter by anime you haven't rated, it will only show you anime you CAN rate (anything that isn't marked want to watch or won't watch, that doesn't have a rating yet). Enjoy!
hmm talking about rating anime, because I don't usually rate them, do other people see what stars you give the anime.

because when I check the anirec, there are no form of rating average on them. I remember when I first found this site that it used to have the rating average system there on the anirec.

I would be inclined to suggest that if possible a star average rating indicator icon would be place in either, on the actual Anirec or in the User State Button.

oh and I would like to point out that you should have a indicator on wheather the anime is part of a long series (such as the anime is part of a 3 season series etc etc)

Probably where it says Release Tv: 13 episodes

I would like to see

Release: TV Season 2, 13 episodes

just for people who are new to anime. ad for the fact that some anirec's relations are not up to scratch. I think the only one I found that is completed is please teacher.

thanks, and do what you can. I understand you have alot to do.
short lex, please keep this thread to what it is: rated/unrated anime. relations are another matter, and yes, i know they aren't up for everything (they are up for about 100 series'universes, not just onegai teacher) but please be patient, i do about 70 hours a week on the site.

if you aren't familiar with the star ratings please go a little farther back in this section and you'll see the announcement thread. it explains what it is and what it does. please read the recent threads though before making new requests, as things like the average rating have alreayd been discussed a few times in here.

back on topic, who likes the new filters?
I think they are great! ^_^ I have already rated everything that I have watched, but then again, my watched list is kind of short. BUT... when I am looking at someone elses profile who has not rated all their anime, it will be nice to be able sort so I dont have to go through pages and pages of anime to find the rated ones :p
Just got a chance to take a look at it - this is awesome! Actually when I first saw the thread I thought "oh, that's kind of cool, but I probably won't use it" Then I just went and sorted my own list and suddenly changed my mind. I have a lot more unrated than I thought! :p
I think one modification would be good: (Have no idea how much work this would take, but it could be a bit)

*Status drop down*

*Then next to the status drop down, filters*
Watched, but no recs

So we can get even more exact... :D