The Rolling Girls

I thought it was just going to be some "cute girls doing cute things" SOL series, but the world-setting is just way too bizarre from what I've read, so I'm genuinely curious about it.
The PV gave off a very Gainaxy vibe to me and this seems like it could be a lot of fun, so I'm definitely going to give it a go.
Ehh, I think I'll let you guys test this one. I don't want to get stuck with a slog if this turns out to be awful. I'd give this one about fifty fifty odds on whether it turns out to be something worth it or a boring wreck.
Wit studio's first original anime series. Will be looking forward to what they'll make of it.
Episode 1:

That was a fun episode... weird, but fun. and even thou the intro looked like its lazy writing with the "some stuff happened and now we are here" approach, for some reason it just fit the show so i was fine with it. that being said, ill hope on judging the show for a few more episodes
RR is going to hate this thing, I know it already :troll:

Episode 1

So bright, so colourful! The art style is pretty funky, I like it!
Though things are rather confusing at the moment and exposition was rather crammed in, so hopefully they'll spent some time explaining things next episode. Funi also definitely needs to get better at subbing. But I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?
I have a feeling there won't be any "clarity" to this thing until around episode 3.
Anyways, I liked what I saw, for the most part.
Episode 1:

I'm going to echo the above saying the animation and style is definitely awesome. For now, it was really quite fast paced and as Ailly pointed it out it did feel like they dumped quite a bit of info in one shot so hopefully they do remedy it and start padding it over the course of the next few episodes. Anyway, personally for me, I had the slice of fun I wanted out of it and that's good enough for me. Also, I'd say there's certainly potential here to go somewhere with this but I can't say quite concretely how I feel exactly till I see more.
Episode 1

Did anyone else get some Kill la Kill vibes from this? Hard to explain why, but it had a similar zany quality and simple artstyle, though the style here reminds me more of YZQ than it does old Gainax.

Definitely enjoyed it though, the fight scene looked good, the comedy made me smile if not laugh outright, and more importantly, we didn't get a shit ton of exposition dropped on our heads, we know that Japan is divided after a civil war and these "Best" girls fight to protect the borders, but not much else yet, it's hooked me in enough to want to know about it and I look forward to it too.

The characters were all pretty nice so far, at least the 3 that we've properly met, and the 2 Best girls we've see so far obviously have some prior history that will be good to see. I also like how they're calling them "Best's", it feels like a stab at otaku who constantly whine about who the best girl is in a season, in this show, most of them are Best girl. Whether that's intentional or not doesn't matter to me really, but I'll continue to think of it that way.

Second best pilot of the season for me.
Aye, it has a little bit of Kill la Kill style action in there for sure, the movements and intense faces especially are very similar to KlK, it's generally got a similar zany style too. It's like a weird hybrid of Kyousogiga and Kill la Kill for me in a lot of ways.

And i really love the antagonist paperclip-wielding girl too, she's pretty awesome.

Kyousogiga is probably a better reference point than Yokozura Quartet that I used, definitely more closely related to that than Kill la Kill in terms of style, but the art direction felt very Trigger like. At least during the fight.

Yeah, she definitely seems the more interesting character right now, and fighting with a giant paperclip reminds me of someone else who used to fight with giant stationary...

EDIT: Just wanna illustrate my point about the art direction, all these screens are taken within a 5-6 second time frame
This is exactly the kind of thing we saw week by week with Kill la Kill, just these small touches to make the characters seem more human. And Nozomi bears a striking resemblance to Ryuuko here, the eyes and hair mainly.

I promise I'll stop talking about Kill la Kill...