Site updates are now again posted on the main site


Forum Moderator
Anime-Planet Founder
Per your recent donations, we've re-added site updates (currently posted in the forum) on the site. You can now easily see how many responses have been given and see a preview of the news item, as well as link to the forum thread to read the full text and post. Site news is now located on the home page and also the anime home page.

Please remember that in order to respond to a forum thread, you need to have a forum account - the accounts are currently separate, but will be merged in the future (for this reason, if you sign up for a forum account, use the same name!)

Note: due to browser caching, you may need to refresh the main site to see the updated CSS for the site news. Otherwise the formatting will look strange.
Brilliant! Thanks, sothis! Looks good. ^_^

Whoop, means I can donate to relations at the end of the months.
thank you so much sothis :love:

if i had a creditcard or something like that i would immediatly donate... but for now i can't