AniRec entries, forum, and more!


Forum Moderator
Anime-Planet Founder
Just wanted to give a heads up that a LOT of new AniRec entries have been added, thanks to the help of Roxas, algelic, Vivi's Queen, puolukankukka, and a few others. You can see the most recent 5 at any time, while on any page on the AniRec, by looking at the left side navigation. Also, you can click the RSS image in the left side nav (while in the AniRec) to sign up to receive updates whenever a new entry is added. Doing so is a great way to see things as soon as they show up, so you can be the first to make recommendations!
The forum will be updated to the newest version tomorrow, so you might experience some weirdness for a bit.
I'll keep other updates for later, but be assured lots of stuff is in the works! I just had my wedding reception last Saturday and so I've been quite busy, but things like the prize page and such will be up very shortly.
And a final important word about the "contact us" form: if you write a comment, PLEASE make sure you are able to receive mail from webmaster at anime-planet dot com (or sothis at anime-planet dot com... or better yet, anything at anime-planet dot com), because I think the responses I'm sending are showing up in junk mail bins (ketchup4life, that means you! ^_^;;)
Thanks guys!
I've done one for you too, but I need to take the screen shots still. I should get those done this evening sometime. I "tried" to do them last night but apparently its not the same as taking a normal screen shot when you are trying to get one in windows media player. I ended up with several black screen shots. I think we figured it out though so I'll get them right next time... hmph!