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Can someone please explain what is this waste of pefectly good bits was? I mean story? Explanations? Ending?

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yeah it was baaaaaaaaaaaaad to say it simply

hahaha well it just ended with the child of destiny awakening and that Volk guy who were leading mars to destruction was defeted by Laura....
So now Mars had a brighter future in front of them...

guess the story basicly was about earthians moving to mars and now Mars started to get ruined too... but someone had to do something and it seem like Laura and Neil was the right ones.....

But my explanation sucks... I would love someone else to tell me hahahaha
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But but for fucksake

Volk was near undefeatable as even someone said noone lasted more than a couple of seconds against him. Then the bitch changed styles and Volk got worked like a cheap ho on payday. Puhhleeeeze I did martial arts for 6 damn years against all kinds of other styles you CAN adopt. Besides who created nei? How did the main girl survived the brutal destruction of the spacecraft? And by killing Volk and walking away she left the whole place orderless, is that "better"?
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well leyla-sama was rescued from the ship which volk and some other from the original dozen destroyed by cross, he taught her the martial arts as well and made her endure all the hardships during the training by impersonating volk whom layla hated and wanted to kill, probably cross used a shuttle to rescue her --> cross later sacrificed himself to show layla that revenge would bring her no satisfaction

volks idea was to sacrifice most of the martians and let some (1 city of that fighter who won) survive and later as nei seems to be capable of giving birth recreate the human race again --> humans on earth are destroyed, though i dont remember what his plan was to survive the impact of the moon (its the moon from earth i guess, so earth is completely destroyed and the moon was travelling through the solar system until it reached the grav field of mars (mars has no own moons), well anyway seeing it realistic the humanity is doomed as the plan failed with volks death and after a moon crashes into a planet there will be not much left, but maybe it wanst that the moons should crash but only enter the grav field and.... woooh i actually missed the topic again

so the ending again: it was sort of a breakdown of the society created by the original dozen, all that representative fighting rationalisation of ressources to winners and letting the winners be saved from destruction etc, the next step would result in anarchy
layla could have brought order into this system by staying and taking the lead but she didnt ... -> so anarchy would definitely result and as anarchy cannot exist for long due to its nature the people of mars would now form a new society, but as i said, i somehow missed the part in the anime where it was said how they actually wanted to survive the cataclysm... argh and this is making me so nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not getting the complete picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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unfortunately i dont understand the story about nei as well, most of the time i thought nei was laylas child.. well i actually thought first she was raped by volk and .... anyway there was a flashback scene where layla (was it layla or even some1 else) protected nei and said "its not a child its a doll" but heres a big contradiction now --> layla definitely knew nei from before so why didnt she just protect her back then??, and nei endured too much for being a human, a little child walking for so long etc .... well my guess is nei is some kind of android or hybrid created in order to produce children... maybe by volk and his guys?? any hint for taht in the anime i missed?? so maybe she escaped somehow.... still all taht doesnt fit that well... in the end neis metamorphosis is triggered and she seems to be completely human and fertile now... blah blah blah.... well and layla leaving nei behind just like that.... well i couldnt believe it, i really though up to the last seconds of the last scene they would leave together.... that was really like "stupid bitch how u dare surprise me like that!!!"
anyway.... the story is to vague and not just complete --> manga or some specials maybe???
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well, watching s-ai/cg version from the beginning might make understanding a story a bit easier

think of nei character in terms of Key the Metal Idol,
(personally i enjoyed the second a lot more than the avenger, and would highly recommend it),

my interpretation of the whole story is that Nei was a human child from the very beginning, in fact she was the first child born on Mars and posessed secrets/clues to childbirth. Henceforth she was constantly persued by volk and had to "mask" herself as a doll to get by and seek seek Leyla's help, so the collar and the weid eye are just decorations.
As far as Volk's ideas about saving people and the whole tournament thing i think Arcardo is right, though i'm not clear on how Volk planned to solve the cataclism created by the moon i'm not clear on it myself

though i'm rather disappointed with the series, i mean you can tell how the events will develop from episode 1, good animation/character design and sountrack are the only good thing about the series.
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