They are my Noble Masters

Episode #: 1
For the first episode, i believe that this is alot like Hayate no Gotoku. But I also think that it has more potential than Hayate, because it doesnt get super silly, its perhaps the more matured Hayate.

I look forward to the rest of the series, its definetly worth the watch.
Episode #: 1
For the first episode, i believe that this is alot like Hayate no Gotoku. But I also think that it has more potential than Hayate, because it doesnt get super silly, its perhaps the more matured Hayate.

I look forward to the rest of the series, its definetly worth the watch.

Episode #: 1
Snap - in fact part of the opening of this show was almost a clone of Hayate. I started off enjoying Hayate but that show spiralled downward until I just had to drop it. I hope TAMNM does not go the same way.
Alright those spoiler tabs are really annoying. What's the point in using them if they're not covering up any spoilers? Anywho yeah it reminds me alot of Hayate. Even the two loli characters look alike. Seems like I'm in the majority when I think that Hayate no Gotoku has been losing it's appeal.
Heh, I am really enjoying this series, and well, actually all the new series I am really enjoying, except for hatenko yugi.
I'm also dropping the show after watching the first 3 eps. I only bothered to check it out because it was listed under the shoujo-ai genre, which I don't think belongs there. The kinky sibling relations are too distasteful for me, and I didn't find any of the humour that funny.
i strongly disagree. i put up the shoujo-ai tag SPECIFICALLY because of all the incestual sibling stuff going on - both of whom are female. so imo, shoujo ai and incest both apply
From what I read on the recommend tag section, it should be an essential element of the story, which it isn't.
There are much better anime which this category would much better apply, which are not listed. Utena (at least the movie) and Simoun for example.
Episode 6 is probably one of the best because of all the parodies. Had me cracking up just about the entire time.
Alright screw waiting for ayako. *downloads animeyoshi*

so did I,but the ep somewhat dissapointed me,was it because almost none fanservice or what,cant really tell,or maybe that there was really no story.
Lmfao, at this point, I don't care which fan sub comes out with the next episode, I just grabbed what ever came out, haven't really noticed the differences between them.
I recently watched this, and I just have to say I enjoyed it quite a bit. If you can get past (or just don't mind it) the whole sister-brother incest, it really is a pretty good show. (I didn't mind the sister-sister relations)
The show was really funny, had it's own jokes as well as many references to other anime. Had a wide variety of interesting cast. The story went though most of the servants backgrounds as part of sub plots and the overall storyline was pretty decent, if a little cliche. The animation was good. Despite watching it just last night, I don't really recall the music, which probably means it wasn't spectacular... but it also means it wasn't bad, or I would probably have a negative opinion of it..

Usually my favorite character in a series ends up being the yandere one.. but I didn't really like Mihato, and instead the tsundere Benisu became my favorite.. which is fine.

All in all, good anime, any chance for a second season?

would watch again
second season?