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SporkCutletBowl Mar 28, 2023

Why was everyone on his dick? Dude was just another white fuckboy. I would treat all of those amazing women so much better instead of continuously fumbling the bag. 

mellaroon Aug 13, 2022

I hope this man fall off a cliff

OsumarefromMAL May 21, 2022

As I got closer to finishing this series, I thought I was going to give it a 10/10, but when I finished I went on MAL and gave this show a 9/10 almost solely because of how they handle Hiroshi by the end of the series. He's a terrible douchebag manwhore that never gets what's coming to him and was set up a lot as an ominous and (as the episodes go on) problematic, unfaithful (both in terms of romance and friendships) jerk yet is so underwhelming once Michiko reunites with him. Also, just wow at the fact that he wasted no time in leaving AGAIN due to his unrestrained lust. Overall a terrible person that when finally shown to the viewers in person was not dealt with in a satisfying matter.

redspiderlilies May 28, 2021

Michiko and Hatchin should've killed his ass for being such a no good ass man and father. I'm so sorry that Michiko really truly loved that man so much that she went through hell and hot water for his ass but not only damn near get killed but also at the expense of his own daughter. Hiroshi is nothing but a  pure user and nothing more. Everyone that this sorry excuse of a man has come in contact with has been either killed or left broken-heart because he takes more than he ever gave to anyone. This man-child is nothing but a pretender who lies, steals, cheats, and uses people sorely for his own selfish interest if it means him using a person for a quick nut to just downright sick individual. 

Britvny Feb 27, 2016

Worst dad of the year award goes to... Hiroshi!