Ojamajo Doremi - Reviews

Alt title: Magical DoReMi

Oswallt's avatar
Feb 13, 2021

This falls in to that category of things that are exactly the way that they should be.  Celine Dion might not be your favorite, but her songs sound just like you expect they should.  In the same wiay, Magical DoReMi is definitely a kids show, but it hits all the right spots.  Unlike some more recent children's shows, nothing is aimed at adults, but it has a simple charm that is appealing none the less.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
hazukiXX's avatar
Dec 4, 2020

Ojamajo Doremi is a simple but fun anime. Anyone who wants to get into anime should watch it, as it will get one's anime journey started.

The character development is sufficent and they would have one episode dedicated to each character, unlike other shows where character developments were featured on the main cast. Your heart will be pumping at the end, so make sure to watch it once in your life

6/10 story
1/10 animation
1/10 sound
1/10 characters
9/10 overall
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