Kamisama Kiss 2nd Season - Reviews

Alt title: Kamisama Hajimemashitaā—ˇ

deideiblueeyez's avatar
Jun 9, 2015

(Sorry for this not being a comprehensive review, but I really have nothing more to say that wasn't said in my review for the first season)

The cuteness and tender, loving relationship between Nanami and Tomoe continues in the most pleasant of ways in the second season. This is eclipsed by the ultra-sweet finale that makes up episode 11 and 12. Once again, Tatum in the English dub gives a phenomenal and believable not-quite-tsundere performance for Tomoe, and Brandon Potter as the newly-established semi-antagonist Kirihito/Akura-Ou provides a fairly pleasing, if somewhat monotonous rolling gravel for a demon.

My only wish is that there will be a third season, as the establishmentand introductin of Akura-Ou's goal to retrieve his body from the netherworld was not concluded, obviously. It is reasonable to do this, as the final arc ends on a sweet and pleasing book end that, if Kamisama Season III never surfaces, still encourages people to continue the manga (the spot leaving off Episode 12 being chapter 64, or thereabouts). 

Again, thoroughly entertained by this season and Tomoe and Nanami's close and genuinely multi-faceted relationship. Man, it's been awhile since I've had the warm fuzzies such like this!

6/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
9/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
MoonlightMaiden's avatar
Jan 13, 2015

if you loved the first season you are going to love the second ! BEAUTIFUL. No more words, it's beautiful n.n

8/10 story
10/10 animation
?/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
Samiamknot's avatar
May 18, 2015

Okay, so if you are expecting season 2 to have lots of development in terms of the love story then you may be dissapointed. As in season 1, the devlopment of Nanami and Tomoe's relationship makes some progress, but not much. Tomoe still takes forever to admit his true feelings, but at least he finally does. The problem with Kamisama Hajimemashita it that both seasons are way too short. You feel like you only get to spend one or two episodes with a new character because there are only 12-13 episodes in both seasons. I do not feel like the shortness of the series allows you to feel satisfied. Hopefully there will be a season 3, because season two ends on a cliff hanger, even more so than the first season.

However, with the negativity aside it is still a great series. It is probably one of the most adorable animes out there right now. The music, mixed with the characters adds such a delightful atmosphere throughout each epsiode. If you liked Fruits Basket, you will like this show becasue the director is the same. I loved Fruits Basket and can see the similarties thoguhout both shows. Overall a really sweet series with moments that may make you laugh out loud or even just smile. I only wish it was longer!

8/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
angelsreviews's avatar
May 13, 2015

Well, I am so happy that they actually decided to do a season 2. The first review that I did was a bit too short. It is also a good way for me to sort of fix my review of the first season without actually having to go back and rewrite it. I noticed that I really didn’t explain well what I felt about this show. I do love watching this show and the characters are rather interesting, even more so in the new season then the last one. We get to see a lot more character development as well as backgrounds that were not explained before. This makes me like the characters even more now that I can tell why they are the way they are.

We get a lot more info on Kurama and his family situation, on the inner workings of the gods and so on. Where the first one was more slice of life with supernatural elements, this one is more supernatural with slice of life elements. Instead of every episode being sort of episodic in nature, we have story arcs that last about three or four episodes before finally concluding. I like how this one also seems to have a ‘standard’ enemy that the characters should face instead of just random inconveniences that pop up every once in a while along with the everyday troubles of the human world. It gives the show a bit more stability to hang on to.

Nanami has also grown on me a bit, making me like her character a little more. She is getting stronger and stronger each day with her powers. The romance between her and Tomoe is also stronger but it sort of makes me want to bang my head against the desk as when Nanami is so open to her feelings about Tomoe, Tomoe on the other hand is just so stubborn and cold-hearted to her even when he figures out his own feelings. If he’s not truthful, she may end up with all the other suitors she has been collecting. And I mean many. Almost everywhere she goes, for some reason the really hard core mean boys end up falling for her slightly.

The animation is pretty much the same as the first one, meaning the good and the bad are the same. The artwork is dark in a colorful way but what I didn’t really say before was that the very light hearted bit of the show is bright with a lot of pastels. Again, it’s a nice contrast between the two worlds and the fact that each episode seems to get darker and darker as the story goes on adds to a build up that might be coming. I say might because I don’t want to spoil anything.

The English voices are the same as well and I’m not sure about what to add to what I said before. Again, Tatum does a amazing job as Tomoe, A very strong voice that also can be gentle when needed to be. Nanami talks way too much still but in this season, she seems to of grown on me or just has learned to not rattle off a ton of stuff. I kind of like this more ‘mature’ Nanami in that way as she grows with the show. There is actually much more growth in season two then in season one and I think that is why they sort of took the series and split it this way. I found there were also two OVA’s that were between this one and the first but at this time, I have not seen them yet so not sure if that had any base to her growth.

To sum it all up, I like the second season a bit more then the first. We had a lot more story and background to the characters but on the sad side, they opened a lot more questions that need to be answered. There wasn't an ending with this one like the first one seemed to have. The ending for the first series may have landed a bit flat but at least it did have an ending that I could consider a ending. This one ended with a lot more questions, especially on the main antagonist that they had.

9/10 story
6/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
zurisparks's avatar
Mar 1, 2023

So watching this for the first time in 2023 - the first season was fantastic but the second season was just good. I wish there were more development of the love story but everything felt paced as if there were 100 episodes. I will be reading the manga because it is complete but the anime kind of felt slow and unfinished... I enjoyed it though. If you like a love story and a strong but doesn't listen main MC then you should give this a try. 

It was cute 

8/10 story
10/10 animation
?/10 sound
10/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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