Haru no Uta - Reviews

Alt title: Spring Song

Inu230's avatar
May 21, 2019

Sakura, Sakura, Sakura

Everywhere you look cherry blossoms are found.


Black backdrop highlights the vibrant pink blooms, they appear more violent than pastel pink.

The old style film and shaky camera movements brings on the nostalgia for the oldies.


Springtime celebration wouldn’t be complete without reverence to cherry blossoms. The petals form some different images till a woman made of Sakura’s finishes up the song. She pays homage to them as they fall around her using all her best moves.


There a simplicity to the lyrics that makes it real easy for children to start singing along while the piano instrumental accompaniment keeps sharp with the semi-operatic vocal performance.

“The land of cherry blossoms

Sakura, Sakura.

Flower blossoms blow from east to west

Coevering the asphalt there as well

My step turns wild amidst whirling cherry petals.“

If that interests you don’t miss this 3 minute and 16 second anime.


It’s not all that easy to access material from the 1930s on the net thanks to the fragility of film, the passing of original creators, the closing of studios, the passe of cell animation, concerns about current viewer tastes, and the time commitment to transfer the data. So when you come across something like this it makes you stop and respect all the work that went into creating this and then sharing it over the Web for others.

This was likely something that played during a commercial break when it originally aired and it works just as well as a break from other material now.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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